OUr Writing
Below are just some of the resources published by NCCRC staff or participants. If you want to get the full scoop on everything written about civil right to counsel, along with hyperlinks for most cited materials, check out our bibliographies page.
1) Civil Right to Counsel General Reflection and Strategy
2) Civil Right to Counsel Overlap with Criminal Cases
3) Status of Civil Right to Counsel
Civil Right to Counsel General Reflection and Strategy
Debra Gardner, Pursuing a Right to Counsel in Civil Cases: Introduction and Overview (2006 Clearinghouse Review)
Debra Gardner and Ward B. Coe, III, A Right to Counsel in Critical Civil Cases and the Role of the Private Bar, 47-Aug Md. B.J. 12 (July/August 2014)
Paul Marvy, Thinking about a Civil Right to Counsel Since 1923 (2006 Clearinghouse Review)
- John Nethercut, This Issue Will Not Go Away: Continuing to Seek the Right to Counsel in Civil Cases (2004 Clearinghouse Review)
- John Pollock, Introduction: Angles of the Right to Counsel in Civil Cases Debate: Formalism, Immigration, Reviewability, and Empiricism, 17 U.D.C. L.R. 10 (Spring 2014).
John Pollock, The Right to Counsel: A Tool for Fighting and Preventing Poverty, Public Justice Center Blog (Mar. 20, 2014)
John Pollock and Debra Gardner, Civil Right to Counsel's Relationship to Antipoverty Advocacy: Further Reflections (2011 Clearinghouse Review)
- John Pollock and Michael Greco, It's Not Triage if the Patient Bleeds Out (2012 Upenn Law Journal)
- Maria Roumiantseva, Patching the Patchwork: Moving the Civil Right to Counsel Forward With Key Data (2023 St. John's University Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development)
- Steven D. Schwinn, Sidestepping Lassiter on the Path to Civil Gideon: Civil Douglas (2006 Clearinghouse Review)
- Richard Zorza, The Relationship of the Right to Counsel and Self-Represented Litigant Movements (2012 MIE Journal)
Civil Right to Counsel Overlap with Criminal Cases
- Laura Abel, A Right to Counsel in Civil Cases: Lessons from Gideon v. Wainwright (2006 Clearinghouse Review)
- John Pollock, Gideon and Civil Right to Counsel: Two Sides of a Coin (2013 NLADA Cornerstone)
- John Pollock, It's All About Justice: How Gideon Relates to the Right to Counsel in Civil Cases (2013 ABA Human Rights Magazine)
- John Pollock, The Great Divide: Gideon and Civil Cases (2010 ABA Young Lawyer Magazine)
Status of Civil Right to Counsel
- Laura Abel and Judge Lora Livingston, The Existing Civil Right to Counsel Infrastructure (2008 Judge's Journal)
Laura Abel and Max Rettig, State Statutes Providing for a Right to Counsel in Civil Cases (2006 Clearinghouse Review)
- John Pollock, The Case Against Case-By-Case: Courts Identifying Categorical Rights to Counsel in Basic Human Needs Civil Cases (2013 Drake Law Review)
- John Pollock, Walking Before Running: Implementation of a Right to Counsel in Civil Cases (2010 MIE Journal)
- John Pollock, Where We've Been, Where We're Going: A Look at the Status of the Civil Right to Counsel, and Current Efforts (2010 MIE Journal)
Key Studies and Reports
- Along with Vivek Sankaran of the University of Michigan Law School's Child Advocacy Law Clinic, the NCCRC has an analysis of a parent's right to counsel in dependency and termination of parental rights cases across the 50 states.
- Check out the Maryland Access to Justice Commission's Report that lays out possible implementation scenarios for Maryland and puts a price tag on such implementation.
- Laura Abel and Susan Vignola wrote a great meta-study analyzing all the studies that have demonstrated the economic benefits of providing representation. Russell Engler has a similar meta-study.
- The NCCRC collaborated on a 2013 shadow report critiquing the 2011 report of the United States on compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The shadow report flagged the lack of a right to counsel as contributing to ICCPR violations, and suggested several steps the United States government can take.
- The NCCRC also signed on to a 2007 shadow report that responded to the United States' April 2007 Periodic Report concerning the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
State-Specific Materials
- Laura Abel, Toward a Right to Counsel in Civil Cases in New York State: A Report of the New York State Bar Association (2009 Touro Law Review) (link is to pre-published report)
- John Ebbott, To Gideon via Griffin: The Experience in Wisconsin (2006 Clearinghouse Review)
- Paul Marvy, "To Promote Jurisprudential Understanding of the Law": The Civil Right to Counsel in Washington State (2006 Clearinghouse Review)
- John Nethercut, Maryland's Strategy for Securing a Right to Counsel in Civil Cases: Frase v. Barnhart and Beyond (2006 Clearinghouse Review)
- Pamela Ortiz, The Grasshopper and the Ant: Maryland's Effort to Imagine a Civil Right to Counsel (2012 MIE Journal)
- Marcia Palof, How to Start Advocating a Right to Counsel in Civil Cases in Your State: A Look at Ohio (2006 Clearinghouse Review)
Subject-Specific Materials
- John Pollock and Megan Rusciano, Right to Counsel in Restoration of Rights Cases
- John Pollock, Going Public: The State Action Requirement of Due Process in Foreclosure Litigation
- John Pollock, Lassiter Notwithstanding: The Right to Counsel in Foreclosure Actions
- The NCCRC has frequently submitted materials to the U.N. Rapporteur on Adequate Housing regarding the need to provide a right to counsel in housing cases. In 2009, the NCCRC submitted testimony to the Rapporteur, and in 2013 the NCCRC proposed suggestions and followup suggestions for the Rapporteur's development of principles regarding security of tenure.
Family Law
Daniel Gluck, Holly Berlin, Benjamin Lowenthal, John Pollock, Daniel Pollard, and Gavin Thornton, In re T.M. and Expanding Due Process Rights, Shriver Center (2014)
John Pollock, Op-Ed: Parties in Domestic Violence Matters Should Have a Right to Counsel, New Jersey Law Journal (2014)
John Pollock and Vivek Sankaran, A National Survey on a Parent's Right To Counsel in State-Initiated Dependency and Termination of Parental Rights Cases (unpublished)
- Dignity in Schools Campaign, A Model Code on Education and Dignity: Presenting a Human Rights Framework for Schools (Aug. 2012)